Ever wanted to open an Audio Channel on youtube, and didn’t know where to get a suitable template?
Here’s Your solution, fully customizable dynamic template which will cover you from the audio to the background and advanced options for stronger computers.
Audio Spectrum – Full Scene
Rigged Audio Spectrum
2k – Shakey Scene
Ultimate Audio Spectrum
Project was carefully crafted to operate in the best way possible , save customer’s time , operate perfectly even if there are common producing issues which the project will automatically find and apply a fix , without user even seeing it.
Full customization of common options connected through the whole project to one composition which has all the options, you just need to do few clicks to change the layout completely.
You will be very amazed how easy it is to achieve your desired result in few minutes and of course start rendering right away!
Audio Spectrum 3
Water Drop Spectrum
For best performance – you need Trapcode Sound keys And Particular(Project Without Both is also provided!)
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